Routines are an ongoing discussion among moms. Many believe that routines are essential to raising happy, healthy, and independent children. Other moms prefer the to let things just fall into place by taking a more hands-off approach.
Our experience is that routines can make a huge difference in stress levels for both kids and adults. We are not advocating a strict hour-by-hour schedule for your children, but simply starting to add some structure to different parts of each day that will give the kids some accountability and take a little pressure off of mom and dad. In most cases, we have seen this small change help create more peaceful and happy homes.
Why do my kids need routines?
Close your eyes and imagine that you've just finished a delicious family dinner at home. Your kids immediately begin cleaning off their plates and placing them in the sink or dishwasher. Even your two youngest kids participate in the cleanup by putting condiments back in the fridge. Here's the best part . . . you didn't have to say anything to them because they just new what to do once dinner was over.
It's no secret that everyone benefits when kids know what is expected of them. Sure, they will push back on the initial idea because the thought of doing the work is dreadful. Doing the work, however, is really not that bad once they have actually experienced all that is involved. Also, your kids will feel a sense of accomplishment that can improve their overall self-confidence and attitude towards life.
Eventually, no one will complain about the arrangement because it will become a habit like waking up and brushing their teeth.
How do I set expectations with my kids?
Expectations should be clearly communicated to your kids when tensions are low. PLEASE, do not set expectations when you are angry, tired, busy, or just not in the mood. Many parents make the mistake of handing out punishments that should really be activities that are part of a normal routine. For instance, don't make the kids do the dishes as a punishment if that is something you will expect them to do 3 nights a week after family dinner. Maybe find some time right before bedtime when you can have a one-on-one conversation with each child about the upcoming changes. Help them understand that the goal of the routine is to create a basic structure to benefit the whole family.
How can I make the routines more fun?
Routines are not the same as chores. Typically, the word "chores" has a negative impact on the way children approach a given task. However, we know many parents who have kids that absolutely love the structure provided by a routine.
The difference between a happy household and a chaotic household is rooted in some level of structure. Kids love to get dirty, paint things (even things you don't want them to paint), play board games, or put on a talent show. For most parents, there's never seems to be a dull moment. A solid routine will help you put structure around all these variables.
Here’s an example of a daily routine for kids during the summer:
- Wake-up
- Get Dressed
- Clean Bedrooms
- Breakfast and brush teeth
- Morning tasks (i.e. water the garden)
- Outside Playtime
- Lunch
- Outside Playtime
- Naps
- Free time/Play time
- Dinner
- Baths/Brush Teeth
- Prayer/Devotions
- Bedtime
Notice there are no times listed. Don't be a slave to the clock except bedtime which should be pretty strict so your children will get their much needed rest to stay happy and healthy.
It's okay to have certain time goals throughout the day, but keep them somewhat flexible to account for unexpected visitors and other distractions.
Do routines really build confidence?
Yes! Don't you feel more confident of your future when you stick to a routine? Your children are no different.
Consider that the average adult’s life is full of routines.
- Most jobs require that you work set hours each day.
- Dental check-ups happen once every 6 months.
- Cars require an oil change every 3000-5000 miles.
- Getting in shape requires a consistent workout routine.
Give your child a jump-start in preparation for real life, by beginning a routine today!