Facebook depression is a serious condition that can have profound effects on adolescents. It's important to know the causes of Facebook depression and how it affects our teens in order to help them find relief. With this blog post, I hope you'll learn more about what Facebook depression is, who it affects, and some steps you can take to help your teen be their best self again. Let's get started!
What are some common causes of Facebook Depression?
Adolescents often feel pressure from peers or parents to share only positive aspects of their life online. Additionally, they may experience social media addiction which may lead them into unhealthy behaviors such as cutting themselves or using drugs in order to escape the pain they're feeling emotionally. The good news is there are some simple things you can do to help your teen step out of the darkness and back into a healthy mindset.
What are some symptoms parents should watch for?
Most victims of Facebook depression display increased irritability, anger, impulsivity, anxiety, or an overall lack of interest in life's activities. Other signs include drastic changes in sleeping patterns as well as a lack of academic performance. If you're concerned your teen may be suffering from Facebook depression, look for these symptoms and seek professional help immediately if they persist.
What steps should parents take to help their child overcome Facebook Depression?
One thing that can really affect the well-being of teens is negative comments or teasing online about their posts by friends or family. This can be especially damaging if the comments are coming from people your teen thinks highly of, such as parents or teachers. It's important to take this seriously and talk with teens about why it hurts them so much when negative judgements come in response to their posts.
Helpful tips for parents:
- Have age appropriate conversations with your teen about what they're feeling.
- Show your support for them in person and online.
- Keep the lines of communication open so you can spot when things are getting worse.
Now that we've covered some common causes, symptoms, and steps to take towards overcoming Facebook depression, it's time to talk strategies. Parents should always be on top of their game when it comes to knowing what their teen is doing online. This means monitoring social media activity, keeping the conversation going about how they're feeling, and taking action when needed by seeking professional help.
Don't forget! If you think your child may be suffering from depression or anxiety due to Facebook depression please take them seriously and seek out assistance immediately.